Il Teatro Cesare Caporali. from Escape Plan on Vimeo.

Two doors down from our house, Casa Monte (, you’ll find Panicale’s theatre, il Teatro Cesare Caporali. Built in 1858, it still holds the honours for being Italy’s second smallest theatre.

All year it is home to music and drama of all varieties. Perfect acoustics, and an atmosphere that makes one want to pick up a lute.

There were originally twelve box seats built for the twelve most influential families of Panicale but eventually that expanded as popularity for more refined entertainment grew.

In this brief video, you’ll see resident tourist officer and Panicale historian, Alessio, explaining the above facts to my friend David and I.

The music is an excerpt from “À Chloris” by Reynaldo Hahn, performed by Jérôme Ducros & Philippe Jaroussky.

UPDATE: Next Concert details here:

La Signoria Vostra è invitata
Venerdì 2 settembre, ore 21.00
presso il Teatro Cesare Caporali di Panicale
per il concerto di chiusura del festival
Musica Insieme Panicale 2011

“Mein Herz” Il mio cuore

Katharina Rikus, mezzosoprano e
ModernDuoProject con Katharina Bäuml, cennamella e bombarda, Margit Kern, fisarmonica.
Musiche di Jan-Pieterszoon Sweelinck, Claudio Monteverdi, Younghi Pagh-Paan, Ali Gorji, Joachim Heintz.

biglietto intero euro 8,00 – ridotto per studenti euro 6,00 – gratuito per bambini e ragazzi fino a 18 anni
info e prenotazioni: Ufficio Informazioni Turistiche di Panicale 075-837319

Please try to keep the noise down upon exiting the theatre as we may be asleep.

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Alessio Marcucci ha compiuto 2 anni oggi!

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Alex L.A. from Alessio Marcucci on Vimeo.

from Panicale to Los Angeles
10 photos, 10 steps, 10 weeks

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(Source: :///)
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Alex U.S.A. from Alessio Marcucci on Vimeo.

U.S.A. 13 ottobre 2010 – 10 gennaio 2011: Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Chicago, New York, Washington, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Boston, Seattle, Miami, New Orleans, Boston, San Diego, San Antonio, Austin

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